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TrueLead Connect Sessions

At TrueLead Coaching we believe that everyone deserves to live a happy and fulfilled life. A life where they can achieve their dreams and goals and are not held back by the limits or expectations others have put on them or they have put on themselves.
Who we are is how we lead and so if we can help leaders to be the most effective and fulfilled they can be, then the impact they can have in helping others do the same is huge!

Take the Leadership Effectiveness Test to see where you can start to become more effective.

What makes us different

We are big advocates of the power of coaching to help leaders raise their awareness, take responsibility, and build self-belief. However, we believe that traditional coaching programmes often help in the realisation of what to do but don’t go far enough in partnering with their clients to help them embed the habits and behaviours required to turn their goals into reality.


Meeting once a month and then leaving you to it with all of the other competing priorities and challenges you are facing just doesn’t cut it. So at TrueLead we combine the power of coaching with habit tracking technology, weekly check ins and monthly leadership forums to provide you with a programme where we partner with you every step of the way on your journey to becoming more effective.

Meet Daniel

Daniel is the founder and Executive Leadership Coach at TrueLead Coaching. Daniel has spent 1000+ hours coaching leaders across multiple sectors including tech, hospitality, retail, financial services, wealth management and global charities.


As well as holding a L7 masters level coaching credentials he also trains L5 coaches within organisations and is passionate about the impact coaching can have in the workplace.


Daniel's background as a Senior Leader in Sales, Marketing and Change Management, coupled with his time working at international consultancies makes him highly empathetic to the challenges presented to leaders today. 

Click here to connect with Daniel on LinkedIn

Daniel from TrueLead Coaching
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